Kitchen Hoods / Industrial
The damage from a cooking fire can be devastating, forcing companies to cease operation for sustained periods of time or close their business. Wet chemical fire suppression systems used in commercial cooking operations have an excellent record of helping suppress cooking fires when the systems are properly installed and maintained. Alliance Fire Protection uses the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards 17 – Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems , NFPA Standards 17A – Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems and NFPA 96 – Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations as the standard for inspecting, maintaining, recharging, and hydrostatically testing kitchen fire suppression systems.
Pertinent codes require that the source of ignition of grease in the hood, grease removal device, or duct of commercial cooking operations shall be protected by fire extinguishing equipment. Examples of cooking equipment that produce grease-laden vapors include, but are not limited to, appliances such as deep-fat fryers, ranges, griddles, broilers, woks, tilting skillets, and braising pans. Fire extinguishing equipment shall include automatic fire-extinguishing systems as primary protection and portable fire extinguishers as secondary backup. Newly installed kitchen suppression systems shall comply with the UL 300 fire test standard. In existing systems, when changes are made in the cooking media, positioning, or replacement of the cooking equipment occur, the system owner shall be responsible for assuring that the fire extinguishing system complies with UL 300.The system owner shall also assure that changes or modifications to the hazard after installation of the fire extinguishing systems shall result in the re-evaluation of the system design by a properly trained and qualified person or company.Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed in kitchen cooking areas in accordance with NFPA 10 and shall be specifically listed for such use {K Class wet chemical extinguisher}.
An owner’s inspection shall be conducted on a monthly basis in accordance with the manufacturer’s listed installation and maintenance manual or the owner’s manufacturer. Kitchen Fire Suppression Systems shall be subject to maintenance at intervals not more than six months (semi-annually)
Ensuring that the kitchen hood is working properly just makes good sense. AFPS can provide an inspection program custom tailored to your needs. We perform all the required tests and inspections of the components, because preventative maintenance can save you thousands of dollars in the long run. We provide a report that contains all the relevant information for the fire marshal and your insurance company. Take the worry out of keeping track of schedules. Let AFPS track them for you.
Kitchen Hood systems consist of different types of devices, which enable fires to be detected at the earliest possible point. Our hood personnel can design and install a system specific to your company’s needs. Our systems meet the requirements of local jurisdictions and the National Fire Protection Associations Pamphlet 17A. A properly installed kitchen hood system can be like having a second insurance policy. The decision you make regarding your fire protection services can mean the difference between an expense or an investment.
Not sure which solution fits your business needs? Contact our specialists today for assistance.