Special Hazards
Any organization or company who installs a clean agent fire suppression system does so to protect sensitive equipment and data. These systems are widely used in today’s high-tech environments to help limit the damage that can occur from a fire-both costly business interruption and damage to expensive and electronically sensitive equipment. AFPS uses the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 2001 – Standard on Clean Agent Extinguishing Systems and NFPA Standard 72 – National Fire Alarm Code as a guide for establishing for inspecting and maintaining clean agent fire suppression systems.
The facility owner is required to have the clean agent fire suppression system components visually inspected on a monthly basis to assess the suppression system’s operational condition and to have the clean agent suppression system tested semi-annually (every six months) in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and NFPA 2001 and NFPA 72. More frequent testing may be required by the local authority having jurisdiction. We provide a report that contains all the relevant information for the fire marshal and your insurance company. Take the worry out of keeping track of schedules. Let AFPS track them for you.
Has one of your halon tanks developed a leak? Any of these issues can mean big trouble. Don’t let a small problem become a major situation. We offer 24-hour emergency service with a live operator to answer your call. We guarantee a confirmation call within 30 minutes and a technician at your property within 4 hours of your confirmation call. Our sales staff and special hazards technicians can provide a satisfactory solution for all of your special hazards issues. Don’t risk lives, property damage and fines, contact us today.
Special hazard systems consist of different types of devices, which enable fires to be suppressed at the earliest possible point. Our special hazards personnel can design and install a system specific to your company’s needs. Our systems meet the requirements of local jurisdictions and the National Fire Protection Associations 72. A properly installed fire sprinkler system can be like having a second insurance policy. The decision you make regarding your fire protection services can mean the difference between an expense or an investment.
Not sure which solution fits your business needs? Contact our specialists today for assistance.